
this is me

My photo
“I want to be very close to someone I respect and admire and have somebody who feels the same way about me.”

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Mr perfect ^_^

  1. Known how to make you smile when you are down.
  2. Try to secretly smell your hair, but you always notice.
  3. Stick up for you, but still respect your independence.
  4. Give you the remote control during the game.
  5. Come up behind you and put his arms around you.
  6. Play with your hair.
  7. His hand would always find your hand.
  8. Be cute when he really wants something.
  9. Offer you plenty of massages.
  10. Dance with you, even if he feels like a dork.
  11. Never run out of love.
  12. Be funny, but know when to be serious.
  13. Realize he's being funny when he needs to be serious.
  14. Be patient when you take forever to get ready.
  15. React so cutely when you hit him and it actually hurts.
  16. Smile a lot.
  17. Plans a romantic date full of things he wouldn't normally do because he knows it means a lot to you.
  18. Appreciate you.
  19. Help others out.
  20. Drive five hours just to see you for one.
  21. Always gives you a kiss when you leave, even when his friends are watching.
  22. Sing, even if he can't.
  23. Have a creative sense of humour.
  24. Stare at you.
  25. Call for no reason

Ini things yang PERFECT GUY would do... I found it dalam satu blog...nice blog ^_^ boleh lah selalu singgah nanti..
Boleh ke lelaki buat semua ni,semata-mata nak digelar "MR PERFECT?
I bet none :p
REALITI,guys you dont have to be perfect...because you cant be perfect...that is why God create us to complete you...^_^
Girls tak perlukan anda-anda semua untuk menari kalau tak reti..give remote control during game...or stick up with us....hahaha...
Just be yourself and at the same time 
be a little bit sensitive...
a little bit caring...
a little bit loving..
a little bit understanding
Just a little bit...
Sebab perempuan bila rasa dia disayangi,dikasihi,dia akan memberi lebih dari kemampuannya..^_^
Tapi,never take things for granted....:)
You can say I LOVE YOU many times,everytimes....write any sweet little things..but if you doesnt prove is USELESS....

Just be yourself..^_^

Semoga kita cukup kuat pertahankan apa yang kita yakinkan-lots of love-sweetrose...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

traffic congestion!!!

Time check!! 4.40 pm
Class start : 5.00 pm

Speed walking!!!

Hahaha...time pergi class kaki memang melangkah laju betul...
Lagi-lagi kelas dekat dewan kuliah...bila ramai sangat orang..mula lah bertolak-tolak masuk...
"Ala...ko lah dulu.."
"Eh aku pula,ko la"

A tolak B..B tolak C...

So,untuk mengelakkan situasi tersebut...kenalah jalan laju...laju..and laju...^_^
Tengah syok speed walking,ada pula jalan melenggang kat depan ni...
Kt dalam fac pun ada "Traffic congestion"!!!!
Rasanya orang depan ni kelas sama...
Time check!! 4.50pm

"Cik abg nak jalan melenggang pergilah pasar malam!!"

Bila nak pergi kelas jalan bukan main slow...bolah lagi main cuit-cuit..
Cuit-cuit lah kat rumah ke...
Ni tengah-tengah alam ni juga nak bergurau senda....hailoh!!
Sempat lagi nak beramah mesra dengan budak-budak fac lain...
Slow and steady pun kenalah ikut masa and tempatnya...
Kalau dekat jalan,tau pulak bising,horn..bila org drive slow kt lane kanan
Kat sini kena ikut juga lah...:p IKUT KIRI JIKA TAK MEMOTONG....
Full speed!!...zapp,maaflah cik abg,nak lenggang2 pergi tempat lain..

My personally view:
Girls memang jalan laju time nak pergi class....
Tapi shopping..yes we're slow and steady...hahahaha :p
Guys memang...slow...steady...jalan nak pergi class...
Masuk class lambat..muka confident...selamba...^_^
Time shopping....laju je jalan...
Kan tak kena time and tempat tu...

So,moral of the story :
Keluar awal nak pergi class!!!..even faculty seberang jalan je pun...since traffic congestion just not on the road only! hahaha...

Semoga kita cukup kuat pertahankan apa yang kita yakinkan-lots of love sweetroses~~~

Saturday, March 17, 2012


new sem dh start a few weeks..and as final year student...there are lot..lot..lot of assignments,projects need to be done...pheww! :p
PT,JPA duit yayasan dah selamat masuk dalam account students semua...dan kakak,abg,mak cik,pak cik yang berniaga..tersenyum lebar...huhu memang untung sgt kalau meniaga dekat student awal-awal sem ni...^_^
So,having some shopping times with my girlfriends..its kind of release some stress... even though,I am not so stress right now hehehe....^_^

" Cantik tak baju ni?"
"Cantiklah...beli la"
"Lawalah beg tu,nak beli ke tak?"
"Aah..belilah...murah je"
"Eh,kedai sini jual murah lah,sana tu mahal"
"Aah..pada hal sama je."

And banyak lagi cakap-cakap during shopping...GIRLS!

I am personally feel,shopping dengan girls is kind of fun..tak perlu nak rush...take time...boleh jalan lama-lama..and masuk lah kedai mana-mana...^_^
Bila compare shopping with boys..hehe...
Tak tahu girls lain macam mana but admit...I am fussy...hehehe shopping bukan senang..need to the price..material...
So,untuk hadapi situation macam tu,girls are good at it..hehehe...I cant stand frowning face while lose my mood...Siapa yang suka? Sure tak ada kan..Huhu

Tapi,siapa-siapa nak minta teman shopping,i luv to do it...hahaha
Kalau teman boys shopping memang senang..pilih baju...try..terus pilih...
Tak ada dah nak pergi jalan-jalan tempat lain...:)

Apa ikut keperluan yep...^_^
Keperluan is the priority....
Kehendak is the minority...

So..gudluck for this semester,brothers and sisters

Semoga kita cukup kuat pertahankan apa yang kita perlukaa...lots of love-sweetroses-